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Waterloo Emitter Enhanced Aerobic Bioremediation

Waterloo Emitter Enhanced Aerobic Bioremediation

As oxygen gas flows through the @SolinstCanada Waterloo Emitter tubing, a concentration gradient is formed between the gas in the Emitter tubing and groundwater. Let's zoom in and take a closer look. In accordance with Fick's Law, oxygen diffuses across the tubing from higher concentration in the tubing, to lower concentration in the groundwater. Diffusion occurs until there is an equal concentration in the tubing and the groundwater. However, groundwater constantly flows past the Emitter, and the oxygen gas supply is steadily flowing through the Emitter tubing replenishing the oxygen level, therefore equilibrium is never reached. Molecular oxygen becomes available to the aerobic microorganisms that are present in the groundwater. Oxygen is critical for encouraging growth and sustaining the population of aerobic microorganisms. The natural breakdown of chemical contaminants, BTEX for example, by the aerobic microorganisms, is stimulated. Overtime, the contaminant levels in the groundwater are reduced through enhanced aerobic bioremediation. Waterloo Emitter Waterloo Emitter FAQ Henry's Law Fick's Law In Situ MTBE Biodegradation Installation and Monitoring of a Waterloo Emitter System Biodegradation of BTEX Using Waterloo Emitters
Waterloo Emitter System Setup and Oxygen Flow

Waterloo Emitter System Setup and Oxygen Flow

A single oxygen cylinder can be used to supply multiple @SolinstCanada Waterloo Emitters connected in series. An oxygen regulator is required for the supply tank to reduce flow pressure to a maximum of 20 psi for silicone tubing Emitters, or 100 psi for LDPE tubing Emitters. A 2 or 3 stage reducer regulator and gauge allows accurate, constant low pressure to be set for the system. Tubing manifolds can be used to help connect the Emitters in series. Supply and vent tubing is connected to each Emitter. Oxygen gas flows through the tubing to each Emitter, slowly and continuously. A needle valve is installed in the vent line. This allows groundwater gases that have back-diffused into the system to be purged as the system is replenished with oxygen. Refer to the Waterloo Emitter installation instructions for details on recommended pressure settings, the type of tubing to use, and other helpful hints. Waterloo Emitter Waterloo Emitter FAQ Henry's Law Fick's Law In Situ MTBE Biodegradation Installation and Monitoring of a Waterloo Emitter System Biodegradation of BTEX Using Waterloo Emitters
Waterloo Emitter Spatial Distribution and Radius of Influence

Waterloo Emitter Spatial Distribution and Radius of Influence

@SolinstCanada Waterloo Emitters can be installed in a series of wells to ensure full coverage of a contaminant plume. Let's take a closer look at the ideal spacing between Emitters. To ensure full plume coverage, the Emitters should be evenly spaced based on their radius of influence. Emitters installed in 4" or 6" wells have a radius of influence of 5 feet, so the maximum space between Emitters would be 10 feet. Emitters installed in 2" wells have a 2-foot radius; therefore, they should be spaced no more than 4 feet apart. Emitter spacing should also take into account subsurface geology, and groundwater flow. As oxygen gas is applied to the system, it diffuses out across the Emitter tubing, extending across the entire width of the plume. Waterloo Emitter Waterloo Emitter FAQ Henry's Law Fick's Law In Situ MTBE Biodegradation Installation and Monitoring of a Waterloo Emitter System Biodegradation of BTEX Using Waterloo Emitters
LevelSender Video Series 7 - Trouble Shooting and Diagnostics

LevelSender Video Series 7 - Trouble Shooting and Diagnostics

Welcome to the @SolinstCanada LevelSender video series. In this video we will discuss some troubleshooting and diagnostic options. Aren’t receiving LevelSender data reports at the Home Station? Here are some things to check at the the Home Station: Ensure you haven't opened reports in your email program or app before viewing in LevelSender Software – only unread messages will appear. Your battery may have drained. Check the latest report from the LevelSender. Batteries should be replaced at 60%. The Home Station email settings may have changed. Ensure they match what you have programmed. Other issues may require a trip to the field... Something may be blocking the cellular signal. The SIM card may have been removed, or isn’t functioning properly. Finally, you may need to perform diagnostic tests using the LevelSender Software on the Home Station PC. Connect the LevelSender to the Home Station PC using the USB Programming Cable. Open LevelSender Software. You can view the SIM Card, Email, and Data Recipient settings for the connected LevelSender. Open the Diagnostic Information tab. Click each button to perform the diagnostic tests. Test the LevelSender Battery and the Mobile Connection. Send a test email from the LevelSender to the email recipients, including the Home Station. Send a test text to the SMS recipient. Test the connected dataloggers. If the tests are passed and the LevelSender is OK, you can set a new Start time for the LevelSender. If you need to Stop the LevelSender, when done in this tab, the LevelSender completely powers down. If you require more assistance, you can send a diagnostic report to a colleague, or us at Solinst. Select how you would like the diagnostic report sent, and enter the email recipient address, for example, Here is an example of a diagnostic report. Thank you for watching. This concludes our LevelSender video series. We hope have you have found the videos informative, and if you haven’t had a chance to check them all out, be sure to do so. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.
LevelSender Video Series 6 - Remote Updates

LevelSender Video Series 6 - Remote Updates

Welcome to the @SolinstCanada LevelSender video series. In this video we will discuss how you can send updates to a remote LevelSender from the Home Station PC. Open the LevelSender Software on your Home Station PC. Select the remote LevelSender you want to update, from the list. The LevelSender Settings tab displays the current settings, including the sampling and reporting schedule. Open the LevelSender Changes tab. If you selected “Enable Remote Updates” when first programming the LevelSender, the LevelSender email will auto-populate. This was discussed in video 4 of the series. Click “Retrieve” to populate the current settings from the LevelSender. You can make changes to the sampling and reporting rates, and/or start or stop the LevelSender. Stopping a LevelSender remotely, still allows the LevelSender to “wake up” at each report interval and check for updates. To completely stop a LevelSender, you must connect it to the Home Station PC and use the Diagnostics tab, which is discussed in our next video. You can set your dataloggers to record independent of the LevelSender, and store readings in their internal memory for more detailed data or backup, if required. When finished entering the changes, click “Send”. This will send a configuration email from the Home Station to the remote LevelSender with the updates. A message that the configuration email was successfully sent to the remote LevelSender station will appear. The changes will be applied to the remote LevelSender station at its next scheduled report interval. A copy of the configuration email can be viewed in the Sent Email tab in the Data Collection tab. Thank you for watching. Be sure to watch our next video that discusses troubleshooting and diagnostic options. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.
LevelSender Video Series 5 - Data Collection

LevelSender Video Series 5 - Data Collection

Welcome to the @SolinstCanada LevelSender video series. In this video we will discuss how and where data is received from your remote LevelSender. Data reports from each remote LevelSender are sent to the Home Station PC. There are three ways to access this data. Open the LevelSender Software on your Home Station PC. Select a LevelSender from the list. Click the “Data Collection” tab. Each email and report received from the LevelSender will be listed. Click on a report to view the data. Each report contains the LevelSender ID, battery level, report time, datalogger information, and the water level and temperature data collected by each datalogger. Click “Closed” when finished viewing the report. Also listed, are the locations of each individual datalogger file, which are automatically created on the Home Station PC. The files are automatically appended with each data report. By selecting from the list and clicking the “Export Data” icon, you can export and save a file to a different location. The files can be opened in Levelogger Software for barometric compensation. An SQLite database is also automatically created on the Home Station PC, which contains the data from each LevelSender report. The SQLite database can be found in the Documents folder, under LevelSender, then db. You can use your own macros, scripts or application to access the database, and post the data to a website or other location. Data reports are also received by the email and SMS (text message) recipients. The reports contain the same information as the reports opened using LevelSender Software. This data can be easily shared with others from your smart device. Thank you for watching. Be sure to watch our next video to learn how you can make changes to a remote LevelSender from your Home Station PC. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.
LevelSender Video Series 4 - How to Program The LevelSender

LevelSender Video Series 4 - How to Program The LevelSender

Welcome to the @SolinstCanada LevelSender video series. In this video we will discuss how to program your LevelSender. Ensure you have downloaded LevelSender Software on your Home Station PC and set up your Home Station email, as reviewed in our previous video. You also need to create a unique email for each LevelSender. Make sure you have installed the batteries, antenna, SIM card, and connected the dataloggers, as discussed in video 2. Connect the USB Programming Cable from the LevelSender to the Home Station PC. The LevelSender LED light will flash green to indicate communication with the PC. Open LevelSender Software. If the LevelSender Setup Wizard does not automatically start, click the “USB Connection” icon to start the Wizard. After the LevelSender has been detected, click next. Enter the SIM card settings obtained from your cellular service provider. Click “Next”. Enter the LevelSender email address. Check “Enable Remote Configuration” to allow the LevelSender to receive remote updates from the Home Station. Remote updates are discussed in video 6 of this series. Enter the server and login information for the LevelSender email account. Click “Next”. Enter the Data Recipients, including the Home Station email, up to five additional email addresses, and one SMS recipient. Click “Next”. Enter a location to identify your LevelSender Remote Station. Enter the Sampling Rate and Reporting Rate. The Sampling Rate is the frequency the LevelSender remote station collects data from the connected dataloggers. The Reporting Rate is the frequency the LevelSender remote station reports collected data via email/SMS to the data recipients. Select a time to start the LevelSender. Select the number of dataloggers connected. Up to two can be connected. Dataloggers can be set to record in their internal memory using Levelogger Software, or the LevelSender Software “LevelSender Changes” tab after the LevelSender has been started. This is discussed later in video 6. Click “Next”. Diagnostic tests are automatically performed to check the battery power, cellular connection, email and text message settings, and datalogger connections. If the tests are successful, click “Start LevelSender” and the LevelSender will begin collecting data at the programmed start time. Now that your LevelSender is up and running, be sure to watch the next video in the series to see all the ways you can access the data reports. Thank you for watching, please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.
LevelSender Video Series 3 - Home Station Setup

LevelSender Video Series 3 - Home Station Setup

Welcome to the LevelSender @SolinstCanada video series. In this video we will discuss how to set up your Home Station. Select a Windows® PC that will serve as your Home Station. It will require a dynamic IP address. Multiple LevelSender units can report to one Home Station. Create a unique, dedicated email address for the Home Station. The email will be used to receive reports and send updates to each LevelSender, through the LevelSender PC Software. A dedicated email address is best, as only “unread” messages will appear in the software at the Home Station. Create a unique dedicated email address for each LevelSender. The email will be used to send data reports and receive remote updates from the Home Station. To set up the Home Station, download LevelSender Software free from Open the Software. Click the “Home Station Email Setup” icon. Enter the Home Station email address, and the server and login information for the email account. Contact your IT department, or refer to the LevelSender User Guide for some guidelines. Click OK, when you are finished entering the settings. Test the Home Station email settings by clicking the “Email Client” icon. The Email Client window should confirm that the Home Station email was checked successfully. You can periodically check the Email Client for all emails that are sent and received at the Home Station. Thank you for watching, be sure to watch our next video to learn how to program your LevelSender. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.
LevelSender Video Series 2 - How to Assemble the LevelSender

LevelSender Video Series 2 - How to Assemble the LevelSender

Welcome to the @SolinstCanada LevelSender video series. In this video we will discuss how to assemble your LevelSender telemetry system. The LevelSender comes with 3 1.5V AA Batteries. To install the batteries, unscrew the cap and install each battery with the positive terminal first. These batteries can last up to 4 years with hourly sampling and daily reporting from one datalogger. To access the antenna connection, use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the three screws from the top cap of the LevelSender. Pull to remove the top cap from the LevelSender. The LevelSender comes with a 2 dbi antenna. Screw the antenna onto the connection. The connection can also be used for a stronger antenna or extension cable. The antenna bends to accommodate the installation of the well cap in the field. A standard SIM card is installed in the slot between the antenna and battery cap. A SIM card adaptor can be used to accommodate smaller SIM cards. With the top cap off, you have access to the mini USB Programming Cable connection. To program the LevelSender, you will connect the USB cable to your PC running LevelSender Software. When programming is complete, remove the cable and replace the cap on LevelSender body and secure with the three screws. To connect a Levelogger to the LevelSender, first connect a Reader Cable. With the dust cap removed from the LevelSender connection, line up the pins and twist the Reader Cable into the LevelSender connection. If you are using two dataloggers, a Splitter would be connected first. Next, a Direct Read Cable is connected to the Reader Cable. You can also use an Adaptor to connect a Barologger, but remember the adaptor can not be submerged. Connect the Direct Read Cable to the Levelogger. Line up the pin, and only twist the Direct Read Cable Coupling. Each LevelSender comes with a Support Hanger Bracket for installation. Match the flat side of the LevelSender with the flat of the Support Hanger Bracket. Leave some slack in the Reader Cable above the top of the Support Hanger Bracket. This allows access for periodic water level measurements throughout the monitoring period. Wrap the cable around the Support Hanger Bracket. Zip ties can be used to hold it in place, if desired. The entire assembly is lowered into a 2” well, with a well cap base installed. Other installations are acceptable. Remember the LevelSender is rated IP64 and can not be submerged. The Support Hanger Bracket seats in the well cap base. Lower the LevelSender in place. Bend the antenna and install the well cap onto the well cap base. Thank you for watching, be sure to watch our next video to learn how to set up your Home Station. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.




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